SiteScape ForumTM Version 5.0
For Microsoft« Windows NT«, Compaq Tru64TM UNIX«, Sun Solaris«, and Red Hat« Linux«

Installation and Configuration Guide

Copyright Information

Table of Contents

Conventions Used in this Document

Convention Definition
> The UNIX system prompt.
dispatch.cgi Path names, directory names, file names, URLs, and commands and parameters that you have to enter as displayed are shown in the Courier type font.
Solaris: > tar Instructions applicable only to one system platform are labeled as such.

[Table of Contents]

What is SiteScape Forum?

SiteScape Forum is an application that provides a fun and easy way to communicate and to share resources with groups of people. Using SiteScape Forum, you can work across companies, within a company, within an organization, within a small work team, or in a combination of ways.

SiteScape, Inc. provides additional, exciting Forum services and Add-On products that are not documented here. For complete and up-to-date information on SiteScape Forum, its services, its Add-On products, and SiteScape's other product offerings, please visit the SiteScape web site.

You can communicate with other people by posting notes and replies in an online conversation, by requesting an appointment with another user, by having SiteScape Forum notify users through electronic mail when new information has been added, and by having online conferences in the form of a real-time "chat line." In addition to communicating, you can share resources with other people by sharing documents, by keeping a group or team calendar of meetings and events, and by searching Internet news sources and sharing those news articles with others.

The most common types of forums are as follows:


Summits are Forum's starting pages (or "home pages"). They provide a table of contents of the forums available for your use. And they provide you with access to commonly used tools, such as searching for users, access to personal tracking and work areas, searching for entries across forums, accessing Help, and performing administrative functions (if you have administrative privileges).

Cascaded summit pages are those that are typically hierarchically linked to other summits. (Just as folders can contain links to subfolders, summits can contain links to cascaded summits.) So, you can have a summit page that is accessible to all employees in a company, and you can create cascaded summits for each of the company departments: Management, Marketing, Sales, Engineering, and so on.

Discussion and Document Sharing

These forums are collections of related topics and replies to those topics, which form online conversations. These forums can also contain collections of related documents. For instance, a hyperlink, "Widget X Project Version 2.0: Team Discussions," is connected to a listing of all of the topics for the Widget X Version 2.0 project team. One possible conversation topic could be, "Brainstorming: Ideas for Version 3.0." When you click on a hyperlinked topic, you can read the first note in the conversation.

Another topic, "Widget X Project, Version 1.0 Interim Project Plan," is a document which you can view and edit. You can also use a document forum as a place where several people can co-author the same document and save its previous versions. Topics are located in folders within a folder hierarchy (folders that can contain other folders, and so on). Forum users can also add topic titles and delete them (if they created them).


These forums provide a method for searching through web pages, Internet newsgroups, or electronic mail subscriptions from Internet content providers, filtering the information, presenting selected news articles, editing those articles, and customizing the presentation of the news by adding graphics and new writing.


These forums allow a group of people to maintain and use a calendar of events and meetings. From within the calendar, you can have "real-time" communications (the person receiving the message can read it in a window on her or his machine almost at the same time you are typing it) with other Forum users or teammates.


This type of forum provides a private work area for a small group of people working toward a time-limited goal. This work area includes a private docshare forum, a calendar, a newspaper, and an easier ability to chat with each other.

Teams can be created and disbanded quickly. All team members have the ability to administer the team area by changing team properties (adding a team member, removing a team member, changing the background color of the pages, and so forth).

Web File System

This forum allows you to place files into Forum so that you or your teammates can have easier access to them. When you place files in this forum, you or your teammates can access the files using a web browser from your office, from home, while on a business trip, from a coworker's office, or from anywhere you are able to access the Forum summit page.

Forum Tracker

This type of forum provides you with a personal home page from which you can track activity in the other forums you use most often. This home page provides access to your favorite links to the World Wide Web, your personal calendar, your personal docshare forum, and your MyNews folders.

There are two ways to track activity in other forums you use most often. You can view the "Notifications" folder in the MyNews section of the Tracker. You can also specify the name and URL of a particular forum you want to track, and the Tracker keeps a running total of all of the new and modified entries included in that forum since you last used it.

The Forum administrator can prevent the creation and use of personal calendars and docshares. Also, you cannot create MyNews folders until the administrator configures the newspaper forums. If you are not able to create and use these forums, contact your system administrator for more information.

SiteScape Workflow (Add On)

SiteScape's first separately-purchasable Add-On product is called SiteScape Forum Workflow. The Workflow product adds tremendous power and customization flexibility to Discussion and Document-Sharing forums. Workflow builds in features that make team collaboration faster, easier, and more efficient, by structuring who must do the work (and who cannot participate), by structuring how the work must be done, and by clearly marking the current "state" of the work. A user can define types of Workflow processes using menus and user-friendly HTML forms; there is no need for additional programming.

To get a better idea of the look-and-feel of a Workflow process, consider an "order-approval" process. With this type of process, a user places a request in the forum for new office equipment. Only the employee and his manager can see the request, and it is clearly marked "Requested." The manager receives e-mail alerting her to the equipment request, and, in the forum, she approves or rejects it by clicking on a button. If the entry is approved, a Purchasing Agent receives e-mail alerting him to the purchase request. The Purchasing Agent, again, by clicking on a button in the forum, rejects it or indicates that the office equipment is on order. Only those involved in the process can view the entry, and the entry always clearly shows the current state of the work (Requested, Approved, Rejected, Ordered).

For more information about Workflow, please visit the SiteScape web site.

SiteScape Forum also includes a set of sample applications that are customizations (slight alterations) of the functionality found in the Discussions and Document Sharing forums. These applications use new object technology offered to application programmers through SiteScape Forum Toolkit. Toolkit programmers can review the code for these forums to see an example of using Toolkit objects.

You may decide to create forum instances of these types, or you may want to delete them from your system. (For more information about deleting them from your system, see the "Creating a Forum" section in the Administrative Menus Help topic.) The following are customized forums available for your use:

Attribute Based Forums
Organizes the contents of a folder according to the value of the entry's attributes (similar in concept to "keywords"). If you change the folder's attributes, then the folder's contents reflect that change by including only entries who have the newly specified attribute values. In this way, folder contents are "dynamic" as opposed to "static" (as in the default Discussion and Document Sharing forum, in which a folder "contains" entries until they are deleted).

Moderated Discussions
Establishes that, whenever anyone enters a new topic, the topic remains invisible to the rest of the forum users until a member of the moderators group declares it to be available for public viewing.

Discussions Only
Provides a streamlined interface for threaded discussions (similar to the AltaVista Forum Version 2.0 and 2.0a Discussion Forum). There are only three levels to the hierarchy: categories, topics for discussion, and replies to a topic (no folders).

Private Discussions
Provides a forum for an individual to have a private discussion with a group of moderators (the discussion is not visible to other registered users). All replies by the moderators can be seen only by the original author. Searches, mail notification, and forum tracking apply only to topics created by that one user.

Refer to the New Features topic in the online Help for a complete list of new and enhanced features in this version of SiteScape Forum.

In order for people to use SiteScape Forum, the Forum administrator needs to provide a Universal Resource Locator (URL), such as the following:

Netscape Servers:

Microsoft IIS Servers:

Apache web Servers:

The administrator assigns the URL to SiteScape Forum visible directory during the configuration process. The aca-1 directory contains the Forum CGI program.

Then, people can use Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer to open the URL and view the summit page. A summit page is a table of contents for all the resources (discussions, shared documents, news articles, and so forth) available to users. The summit page also allows users to register, allows administrators to access tools they need to keep Forum organized and running, and allows access to the Help system. If you choose, you can use the access-control features of SiteScape Forum to protect sensitive information or to require a password for participation.

SiteScape Forum provides a default look and feel for the summit page. However, if the system administrator chooses, she or he can customize this page, adding artwork and text.

Note: SiteScape Forum provides several authentication methods: NT authentication or Challenge and Response, and SiteScape Forum authentication. The Forum authentication method uses the HTTP "cookie" mechanism. This permits simplified logins to and logouts from SiteScape Forum, and reduces the number of installation steps required to make forums work with HTTP servers.

In order for Forum authentication to work properly, users must make sure that cookie acceptance and notification are enabled in their web browsers. To enable Forum authentication, all SiteScape Forum users must have their browser's cookie property set to "always accept" or "notify before accepting."

[Beginning of this section] [Table of Contents]

Installation Requirements

You can install SiteScape Forum on the following system configurations:

Operating system
Tru64TM UNIX« (formerly Digital UNIX) 4.0b and up on an Alpha-based computer

Windows NT 4.0 and up with Service Pack 2, on an Intel -based computer (Service Pack 3 recommended for multiprocessor systems)

Sun Solaris 2.5 and up, running on a Sun SPARC« computer

Red Hat Linux Version 5.2 and 6.0.

System 128 MB RAM minimum; 256+ MB preferred, and 200+ MHz processor preferred

80 MB disk space, plus additional space for your user data.

CD-ROM drive

HTTP (World Wide web) server Netscape Servers:
FastTrackTM 2.0 and 3.01, normal and SSL configuration
EnterpriseTM 2.0, normal and SSL configuration
Commerce 1.12, normal and SSL configuration

Apache Version 1.2 and up

Microsoft Internet Information Server V3.0 (Windows NT 4.0 SP2), V4.0

Web browser (installed on client systems) Netscape Navigator 3.01, and 4.0 through 4.7

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01, 3.02, 4.0, or 5.0

[Table of Contents]

Installation Procedures

Note: Install SiteScape Forum from the same account that you use to install and manage your web server, or an account that has identical read and write privileges. This ensures that the server has proper access to SiteScape Forum files.

Please review the release.txt file (release notes) for the most up-to-date product information, including notices and restrictions. You can find this file on your SiteScape Forum CD, in the SiteScape Forum base directory (by default, /Avf ), or linked into the online Help system.

Windows NT Installation Procedure

Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX) Installation Procedure

Solaris Installation Procedure

Red Hat Linux Installation Procedure

Windows NT Installation Procedure

Note: you can only install one instance of SiteScape Forum on a Windows NT system. Therefore, you cannot install the latest version of SiteScape Forum and have an older Forum installation in parallel. Instead, you must upgrade your older installation to the the latest version of Forum. Click here to go to the Windows NT upgrade instructions.

  1. Make sure that you have a valid Version 5.0 license key.

    You must have a valid license key to properly install SiteScape Forum. The key should be included with your CDROM packaging. It has the following general format (FBnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn, where n is a number or letter whose case does not matter).

    Warning: If you do not have a key, do not install this software--it will not work without a key. You can obtain a temporary key by visiting the SiteScape web site (temporary keys allow you to install the software, and use it for a brief period of time for evaluation purposes).

    To obtain a temporary key or to obtain further information, contact us in either of the following ways:

  2. Log in using the same account you used to install your web server.

  3. Insert the SiteScape Forum CD in your CD drive.

  4. Using Windows NT Explorer, locate the applicable subdirectory for your system on the SiteScape Forum CD: \nti386 for Intel-based systems.

  5. Double-click on the SETUP.EXE file.

  6. Click on the Yes button to accept the license terms and conditions. (See your SiteScape Forum kit for the hardcopy of the license.)

  7. The installation procedure provides installation recommendations (that you be logged in as the same user who installed and ran the HTTP server, and so forth). If you are complying with the recommendations, click on the Yes button.

  8. The installation procedure displays a warning that you need to have a license key, and it provides you with a chance to end the installation if you do not yet have a key.

    Note: Do not proceed past this point in the installation without a temporary or permanent key.

  9. Specify the destination directory location for SiteScape Forum. The default directory location is:


    Note: Directory names cannot contain spaces (such as "Forum Base").

  10. If the installation procedure detects an installed version of the Forum at the directory specified in the previous step, then it offers you the option of updating the existing installation or de-installing it.

    If it does not detect an existing installation, then the procedure continues with the next step.

  11. Specify the directory names for the hidden and visible base directories.

    SiteScape Forum creates three specific directories: one for the installed software and two for databases. One database contains files that are visible to browser users who are accessing your forums, and the other contains hidden files for internal use only. The default directories are as follows:

    Visible: C:\AVF\visible

    Hidden: C:\AVF\hidden

    The identifier that you provide for these directories will be directly accessed by only system administrators. When you configure your web server, you will map an alias (for example, "forums") to the visible directory. When users access your summit page, they will type in the alias to access the visible directory, as follows:

    The alias of forums maps to the C:\AVF\visible directory.

  12. Specify a directory to contain access-control information for your forums. The default directory is aca-1. If you choose, you can supply a directory name that has more meaning to your users. (For example, you can specify your company's name for a summit page used by the entire company, a team name for a summit used by a specific team, an identifier that speaks to the purpose of the discussions on this particular summit, and so forth.)

    For example, let's say that the purpose of your summit page is to discuss issues regarding sales of your product. So, you can specify sales as the ACA directory name. Then, users would have to type the following URL to access your summit:

  13. Specify a password for SiteScape Forum administrator's account, wf_admin. Remember this username and password; you need it to create and administer your forums.

  14. Review your installation choices and click on the Next button to copy the files to the specified areas. When all the files are copied, the installation procedure is complete.

    If the installation procedure reports a problem, check the file create-aca.log. Windows NT systems store installation and upgrade information in this file, which resides in the SiteScape Forum installation directory.

  15. The installation process checks for installed license keys. If this is a first-time installation--or if this is a first-time upgrade from previous versions of the product to SiteScape Version 4.0 or higher, the process asks for your registration key. Enter your key, and click on the Next button.

    Note: If you do not have a key, then click on the Exit button, go to the SiteScape web site, obtain a temporary key, re-install the product, and specify the temporary key.

    The software will not run without the installation of at least one valid license key.

    If the the installation process detects an existing installation with valid license keys, then it displays a list of the keys, and it provides you with a chance to install additional keys. If you have no additional keys to install, click on the No button. If you have additional keys to install, click on the Yes button, provide the key, and click on the Next button.

  16. After the completion of your installation, make sure that your web server account has read access to the SiteScape Forum installation base directory, and has read and write access to the visible and hidden base directories.

  17. As your next step, you need to configure your web server.

Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX), Sun Solaris, and Red Hat Linux Installation Procedure

  1. Make sure that you have a valid license key.

    You must have a valid license key to properly install SiteScape Forum. The key should be included with your CDROM packaging. It has the following general format ( FBnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn, where n is a number or letter whose case does not matter).

    Warning: If you do not have a key, do not install this software--it will not work without a key. You can obtain a temporary key by visiting the SiteScape web site (temporary keys allow you to install the software, and use it for a brief period of time for evaluation purposes).

    To obtain a temporary key or to obtain further information, contact us in either of the following ways:

  2. Insert the SiteScape Forum CD in your CD drive.

  3. For non-Solaris machines, mount the SiteScape Forum CD using one of the following commands:

    Linux: #mount /mnt/cdrom
    Tru64 UNIX:
    #mount -r -t cdfs -o noversion /dev/rz*c /mnt_point

    The device name ( rz*c ) and mount point ( mnt_point ) arguments are dependent on your specific installation. Also, Solaris machines automatically mount the CD and do not require issuing a command.

  4. The web server must have read/write access to the Forum's visible files. To accomplish this, log in to the same user account that the web server (httpd) runs as, before untarring and installing the product. Log on to this account using the following command:

    > su account_name

    Warning: Do not skip this step. If you do not ensure that your HTTP server has read/write access to the Forum's visible directories and files (one way is by following the instructions shown in this step), then the SiteScape Forum will not run, and you will have to untar and re-install the product again to correct the problem.

    (Please forgive the red-letter assault on your eyes, but, like, umm, this is important!)

  5. Create a directory from which you will install SiteScape Forum. Make sure the web server can write in this directory. Then, cd to this directory.

  6. Untar the files into that directory, as follows:

    Tru64 UNIX: > tar xf /mnt_point/tru64/ssf50t64.tar

    Solaris: > tar xf /cdrom/ssf50_1/solaris/ssf50so.tar

    Red Hat Linux: > tar xf /mnt/cdrom/linux/ssf50li.tar
               > tar xf /mnt/cdrom/linux/ssf50li6.tar

  7. Run avf-configure, the SiteScape Forum installation and configuration procedure, using the following command:


  8. Enter yes if you choose to accept the license terms and conditions. (See your SiteScape Forum kit for the hardcopy of the license.) The installation procedure prompts you to confirm your acceptance of the license.

  9. Enter your license key.

    Note: If you do not have a key, then exit from the installation, go to the SiteScape web site, obtain a temporary key, re-install the product, and specify the temporary key.

    The software will not run without the installation of at least one valid license key.

  10. Enter your httpd user account. The installation procedure prompts you to confirm the httpd user account name.

  11. Specify the directory names for the hidden and visible base directories.

    SiteScape Forum creates three specific directories: one for the installed software and two for databases. One database contains files that are visible to browser users who are accessing your forums, and the other contains hidden files for internal use only.

    There are no default directory names. You may want to use the names visible and hidden for clarity.

    The visible directory must be addressable by a URL given to your web server, and the hidden directory must not be addressable.

    The identifier that you provide for these directories will be directly accessed by only system administrators. When you configure your web server, you will map an alias (for example, "forums") to the visible directory. When users access your summit page, they will type in the alias to access the visible directory, as follows:

    The alias of forums maps to the visible directory.

  12. Specify a directory to contain access-control information for your forums.

    If you choose, you can supply a directory name that has meaning to your users. (For example, you can specify your company's name for a summit page used by the entire company, a team name for a summit used by a specific team, an identifier that speaks to the purpose of the discussions on this particular summit, and so forth.)

    For example, let's say that the purpose of your summit page is to discuss issues regarding sales of your product. So, you can specify sales as the ACA directory name. Then, users would have to type the following URL to access your summit:

  13. Specify a password for the SiteScape Forum administrator's account, wf_admin. Remember this username and password; you need it to create and administer your forums.

  14. When the script ends, make sure that your web server account has read access to the SiteScape Forum installation base directory, and has read and write access to the hidden and visible base directories.

  15. Log in as user root .

  16. Use the cd command to go to the installation directory.

  17. To complete the installation of the background service, enter the following:

    ./avf-configure -install_background

    The installation script installs the background for the next reboot, and the script starts up Forum.

  18. When avf-configure is complete, configure your web server to support SiteScape Forum.

    As your next step, you need to configure your web server.

[Beginning of this topic] [Table of Contents]

Upgrading Your Installation

If you have already installed Forum, you can update to the current installation from a previous version, or you can de-install the product. Before upgrading, be sure to create a backup copy of your Forum installation. If an upgrade fails, reboot the server to clear any Forum processes that may be in an indeterminate state and retry the upgrade.

Note: If you are upgrading an existing installation to the latest version of SiteScape Forum, be aware that an interruption of the upgrade process can cause a corrupted database.

If the upgrade software encounters a very large docshare forum (with more than 1,000 entries), then the upgrade software may take a long time to complete the upgrade for that one forum, causing your system to appear as if it is hanging. (For a system with more than 300 megahertz of power, and for every 1,000 entries in the forum, the upgrade process for that forum takes a few minutes to complete. If your forum has 6,000 entries, it may take 15 to 20 minutes to complete work on that one docshare forum.)

Do not interrupt the process while it is upgrading a forum. If you do, use your back-up files to replace the database ( .webletdb* files). (If you did not back up your system before you began the upgrade, then you will have to work with the SiteScape support team to attempt to fix the WIM database, which may or may not be successful.)

Click on the appropriate link to view the upgrade procedures for that platform:

Upgrading on Windows NT

To upgrade your installation of Forum on Windows NT, do the following:

  1. Shut down the web server.

  2. Log in using the same account you used to install your web server.

  3. Insert the SiteScape Forum CD in your CD drive.

  4. Using Windows NT Explorer, locate the applicable subdirectory for your system on the SiteScape Forum CD: \nti386 for Intel-based systems.

  5. Double-click on SETUP.EXE.

  6. Click Yes to accept the license terms and conditions. (See your SiteScape Forum kit for the hardcopy of the license.)

  7. Choose one of the following options:

    • Upgrade the current installation

    • Deinstall the current installation

  8. If you chose to update your existing installation:

    1. When prompted, enter the license key found on your Product Registration Card. Be sure to enter both the alphabetic and numeric parts of the key.

    2. The installation procedure displays the installation choices you have made. Review your installation choices and click Next to copy the files to the specified areas. Upgrade information is reported for existing discussion and documentation forums.

    3. If the installation procedure reports a problem, check the file upgrade.log. Windows NT systems store installation and upgrade information in this file, which resides in the the SiteScape Forum installation directory.

  9. If you chose to deinstall your existing the SiteScape Forum installation, click Next. All the SiteScape Forum data and access control areas in the current directory are deleted.

Note: When upgrading from the SiteScape Forum Version 2.0a to the latest version of Forum on a Windows NT system, within User Manager, the InternetGuest and InternetUsers groups, and the Anonymous and WGWFUser accounts, are not deleted. These groups and accounts are no longer required in the latest version of Forum and can be manually removed.

Upgrading to SiteScape Forum Version 5.0 and Changing Web Servers (Windows NT Only)

You can alter the web server you use with SiteScape Forum as part of the upgrade process, as follows:

  1. Shut down your current web server.

  2. Edit avf.conf in the SiteScape Forum base directory to change the read script name for the web server you want to use:

    1. ReadScriptName should be {dispatch.cgi}

    2. Wgw-PlatformID should be {NT Netscape}

  3. Log in to your Windows NT Server using an administrator account.

  4. Install the new web server.

  5. Upgrade your SiteScape Forum installation.

  6. Configure your new web server for use with SiteScape Forum.

Upgrading on Tru64 UNIX, Sun Solaris, or Red Hat Linux

To perform upgrade operations on Tru64 UNIX or Sun Solaris, do the following:

  1. Shut down your web server.

  2. Log in as user root .

  3. Shut down the avf- background process with the following command:

    > ./avf-background stop

  4. Log in to the same user account which the web server (httpd) runs as using the following command:

    > su account_name

  5. Insert the SiteScape Forum CD in your CD drive.

  6. For non-Solaris machines, mount the SiteScape Forum CD using one of the following commands:

    Linux: #mount /mnt/cdrom
    Tru64 UNIX:
    #mount -r -t cdfs -o noversion /dev/rz*c /mnt_point

    The device name ( rz*c ) and mount point ( mnt_point ) arguments are dependent on your specific installation. Also, Solaris machines automatically mount the CD and do not require issuing a command.

  7. cd to the SiteScape Forum installation directory.

  8. Untar the files into that directory, as follows:

    Tru64 UNIX: > tar xf /mnt_point/tru64/ssf50t64.tar

    Solaris: > tar xf /cdrom/ssf50_1/solaris/ssf50so.tar

    Red Hat Linux: > tar xf /mnt/cdrom/linux/ssf50li.tar
               > tar xf /mnt/cdrom/linux/ssf50li6.tar

  9. Run avf-configure upgrade using the following command:

    ./avf-configure -upgrade

  10. Enter your license key, if needed. (If you are re-installing the same version of the same software, you do not need to specify a key.)

    Note: If you do not have a key and need one, then exit from the upgrade, go to the SiteScape web site, obtain a temporary key, run the upgrade process again, and specify the temporary key.

  11. Enter yes to confirm that you are running under the same user account used to install the web server, or one with identical read and write privileges.

  12. Enter and confirm your httpd user account name. Messages are displayed indicating which access control area and which forums are being updated.

    The installation procedure lists the access control areas and Forums that are being updated.

  13. Log in as user root .

  14. To complete the installation of the background service, enter:

    ./avf-configure -install_background

To deinstall SiteScape Forum, do the following:

  1. Shut down your web server.

  2. Log in as user root .

  3. Shut down the avf- background process with the following command:

    > ./avf-background stop

  4. Remove the directory containing the SiteScape Forum files using the rm -R command. (Since the -R switch removes all subdirectories, be sure that the current directory is the correct one.)

  5. Delete the following symbolic link:

    Tru64 UNIX: /sbin/init.d/avfbackground

    Solaris: /etc/rc2.d/S95avfbackground

Configuring Web Servers

Once you have installed SiteScape Forum, you must configure your web server to support forums. Follow the relevant link to see the configuration procedure for your server type:

Security Note

Netscape Servers

Apache Servers

Microsoft IIS Servers

[Table of Contents]

Security Note

SiteScape Forum requires that the visible directory--where
dispatch.cgi (or dispatch.exe ) reside--allow CGI execution. No other parts of the visible tree need (or should have) the ability to execute dynamic content (for example, CGI scripts, Active Server Pages, and so forth).

[Table of Contents]

Netscape Servers (Tru64 UNIX, Windows NT, Solaris)

SiteScape Forum supports the following Netscape Servers:

Click on the appropriate link to view the configuration procedure for that server type.

Commerce Servers

To configure SiteScape Forum to run on Netscape Commerce Servers, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Log into the Server Manager user interface

  2. Assign a URL to the visible directory

  3. Activate CGI as a file type

  4. Restart the server

Task 1: Log into Netscape Server Manager

  1. Log in to the Netscape Server Manager. You'll need access to the Server Manager user name and password. Your browser displays the Netscape Server Manager access page, which lists the Netscape servers installed on this machine.

  2. Click the "Netscape Communications Server" link. Your browser displays the Netscape Server Manager main menu page for this server.

Task 2: Assign URL to the visible Directory

  1. In the URL Configuration section of the Server Manager page, click the "Map URL to a local directory" link. Your browser displays the URL Mappings form.

  2. Enter the alias you wish to assign to the visible directory in the URL Prefix field. The alias should be a meaningful name to you and the SiteScape Forum user community. A typical alias for forum access might be forums.

  3. Enter the directory path that maps to the URL. If you've named your visible directory visible , the directory is:

    NT: C:\AVF\visible

    Tru64 UNIX : /usr/<install-dir>/visible

  4. Click the Make These Changes button. Your browser displays a confirmation form describing the changes you have made. If you are satisfied with the changes, click "Return to Server Manager".

Task 3: Activate CGI as a File Type

  1. In the CGI and Server-Parsed HTML section of the Server Manager page, select "Activate CGI as a file type for part of your server." The Activate CGI as a File Type Form is displayed.

  2. Select the "I'd like to activate CGI as a file type" option.

  3. Click the Make These Changes button. Your browser displays a confirmation form describing the changes you have made. If you are satisfied with the changes, click "Return to Server Manager".

Task 4: Restart the Server

  1. In the Server Control section of the Server Manager page, click the "Start up, restart, or shut down the server" link. Your browser displays the Process Control form.

  2. Click the Restart button. Your browser displays a confirmation form. Follow the instructions on the form to insure that the server has been successfully restarted.

  3. Once you have confirmed the server has restarted, click "Return to Server Manager".

You have completed your Netscape web server configuration. Continue to the Getting Started section for further instructions.

[Beginning of this topic] [Table of Contents]

Enterprise and FastTrack Servers

To configure SiteScape Forum to run on Netscape Enterprise and FastTrack servers, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Enter the Administration Server and select the node to configure

  2. Activate CGI as a file type

  3. Establish visible as an additional document directory

Task 1: Enter the Administration Server and Select the Node to Configure

  1. In your browser, enter the URL (including the specific administration port) for the Netscape Administration Server (for example, ). Your browser displays the Netscape Server Selector form.

  2. Click on the appropriate server name. Your browser displays the Netscape Server Manager form.

Task 2: Activate CGI as a File Type

  1. On the Server Manager form, click Programs in the top frame. Your browser displays the Programs selections in the left frame.

  2. Click the CGI File Type link. Your browser displays the CGI as a File Type form in the main frame.

  3. If it is not already selected, click on Yes in the Activate CGI as File Type section.

    If Yes is already checked, skip the remaining steps in this section and go to Task 3.

  4. Click OK. Your browser displays a confirmation box.

  5. Click Yes to confirm the transaction. Your browser displays a JavaScript Alert: Success! box.

  6. Click OK in the box.

  7. Click Save.

Task 3: Establish visible as an Additional Document Directory

  1. In the top frame, click Content Mgmt . Your browser displays the Content Management selections in the left frame.

  2. Click the Additional Document Directories link. Your browser displays the Additional Document Directories form in the main frame.

  3. In the URL Prefix field, enter the alias you wish to assign to the visible directory. The alias should be a meaningful name to you and the SiteScape Forum user community. A typical alias might be forums.

  4. In the Map to Directory field, enter the directory path that maps to the URL. The location of the visible directory depends on the values you specify during installation. The following are examples of typical places where you might find the visible directory:

    NT: D:\AVF\visible

    Tru64 UNIX : /usr/<forum-install-dir>/visible

  5. Click OK. Your browser displays a confirmation box.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the transaction. Your browser displays a JavaScript Alert: Success! box.

  7. Click OK in the box.

  8. FastTrack only: In the top frame, click Apply. Your browser displays the Save And Apply form in the main frame.

  9. On the Save and Apply form in the main frame, click Save and Apply. Your browser displays the status of the save and apply process in the main frame.

  10. When the save and apply is complete, the server is restarted and your browser displays a Success! box.

  11. Click OK in the box.

If you are not sure that the server has been restarted, click on Server Preferences in the top frame and the On/Off link in the left frame to go to the Server On/Off form, which enables you to stop and restart the server.

[Beginning of this topic] [Table of Contents]

Apache Servers

  1. cd to the conf subdirectory under the Apache installation directory (for example, /usr/<apache-install-dir>/conf ).

  2. Edit the file /<apache-install-dir>/conf/access.conf. Insure that the ExecCGI option is enabled as in the following Options statement:

    # This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "Indexes",
    # "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews".
    # Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* -- "OptionsAll"
    # doesn't provide it.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI 

    You can also create a symbolic link in your DocumentRoot directory to enable the alias.

  1. In srm.conf, establish an alias for the Forum /visible directory. This alias is included in the URL, enabling users to access Forum. Use a simple.descriptive term, for example, forums. Add the following lines:

    # Aliases: Add here as many aliases as you need (with no limit). The format is: 
    # Alias fakename realname
    # Alias /icons/ /usr/local/etc/httpd/icons/
    Alias /forums/ /<forum-install-dir>/visible/

    Replace <forum-install-dir> with the correct path for your Forum installation.

  2. In srm.conf, ensure that CGI scripts can be activated in directories other than the cgi-bin area. Add the following lines:

    # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or to
    # make certain files to be certain types.
    # Format: AddType type/subtype ext1
    # AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers",
    # actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
    # or added with the Action command (see below).
    # Format: AddHandler action-name ext1
    # To use CGI scripts:
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    AddType application/x-http-cgi .cgi

  3. Stop and restart the server to force the changes you have made to take effect.

You have completed your Apache web server configuration. Continue to the Getting Started section for further instructions.

[Beginning of this topic] [Table of Contents]

Microsoft IIS Servers (NT Only)

To configure the Microsoft IIS server, complete the following tasks. This procedure assumes that you have installed SiteScape Forum and the Microsoft IIS server was selected during configuration.

SiteScape Forum supports the following Microsoft servers:

Microsoft IIS Version 3.0

  1. Start the Microsoft Internet Server Manager.

    NT 4.0: Select Start --> Programs --> Microsoft Internet Server --> Internet Service Manager

  2. Select the appropriate computer and WWW service.

  3. Select Properties --> Service Properties from the menu bar. The Service Properties dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click the Service tab. The Service property page is displayed.

  5. Ensure that Allow Anonymous Authentication is selected, and that Windows NT Challenge/Response box is not selected.

  6. Select the Directories tab. The Directories property page is displayed.

  7. Click Add... to add a new virtual path. The Add dialog box is displayed.

  8. Type the full drive and path for the SiteScape Forum visible directory in the Directory field:


  9. Ensure Virtual Directory is selected.

  10. Enter an Alias for the visible directory, for example, forums. This establishes a URL for users to access your Forum.

  11. Ensure that both Read and Execute Access are selected.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Upon returning to the Directories page, it is suggested, though not required, that Directory Browsing Allowed be left unchecked. Doing so means that users cannot browse the host's directory structure.

  14. Click OK.

  15. If WWW Service is currently running, select Properties --> Stop Service, then select Properties --> Start Service. Otherwise, select Properties --> Start Service.

You have completed your Microsoft IIS Server configuration. Continue to the Getting Started section for further instructions.

Microsoft IIS Version 4.0

  1. Run the Microsoft Management Console, which corresponds to the inetmgr.exe file.

  2. Click once on the "Default Web Site" line in the directory listing.

  3. Click on the Action button (located just above the directory listing).

  4. Choose the Properties menu item.

  5. Click on the Home Directory tab.

  6. In the Access Permissions section, make sure that the Read checkbox is checked.

  7. In the Permissions section, make sure that the Execute radio button is on.

  8. Click on the OK button.

  9. Back on the Management Console, click on the Action button again.

  10. Choose the New menu item (which produces another menu).

  11. Choose the Adding a New Virtual Directory menu item.

  12. In the "Alias to be used to access the virtual directory" text box, enter an identifier that will be easy for your users to remember (such as "forums").

  13. Next to the Physical Path text box, click on the Browser button, and choose the visible directory you specified upon installation (by default, /AVF/visible ).

  14. Make sure that the Allow Read checkbox is checked.

  15. Make sure that the Allow Execute Access checkbox is checked.

If the only or primary purpose of this web server is to provide access to SiteScape Forum users, then you can establish a default "document," requiring your users to type less in order to reach the summit page. So, for example, instead of typing the following:

Your users can type only the following:

To enable this feature, do the following:

  1. Run the Microsoft Management Console, which corresponds to the inetmgr.exe file.

  2. Click once on the "Default Web Site" line in the directory listing.

  3. Click on the Action button (located just above the directory listing).

  4. Choose the Properties menu item.

  5. Click on the Documents tab.

  6. Make sure that the Enable Default Document checkbox is checked.

  7. Click on the Add button.

  8. Enter the following value in the text box located below the Enable Default Document checkbox:


  9. Click on the OK button.

You have completed your Microsoft IIS Server configuration. Continue to the Getting Started section for further instructions.

[Beginning of this Topic] [Table of Contents]

Getting Started

To get started, specify the Forum URL to your web browser.

(By default, because SiteScape Forum uses an authentication method based on cookies, each SiteScape Forum user must have their browser configured to accept cookies, or to ask for confirmation before accepting cookies.)

A typical URL that you use to access the default summit page is as follows:

After opening your summit's URL, your browser displays the default summit, which is empty. Once you create forums (discussion and document-sharing forums, calendars, newsstands, cascaded summits, teams, and more), the summit displays only the forums to which a user has access.

More Getting Started Information

For quick, easy, and complete information on how to get started with Forum, view a summit page, and click on the Help button. (Or, click on any Help button in Forum, click on the "Show topics" toolbar button, and click on the SiteScape Forum Help link in the left frame.) On the Help home page, click on the links in the "Getting started..." section.

To get started with Forum administration, log in as a summit administrator (wf_admin, by default). Then, click on any Help button in Forum, click on the "Admin help" toolbar button, and click on the links in the "Getting started..." section.

The first time you access the Help system (or after you upgrade your Forum installation or re-index the Help files), Forum rebuilds the system, which can take a few minutes. When Forum is finished building the system, click on either the Click here to view the Help system link or the OK button to view Help information.

[Beginning of this topic] [Table of Contents]

Technical Support From SiteScape

SiteScape provides several levels of support for Forum, as follows:

For more information on Forum support--or on other SiteScape products and services--please visit the SiteScape web site. Or, you can e-mail us at the following address:

[Table of Contents]

Copyright Information

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by SiteScape, Inc. SiteScape, Inc assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.

Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.

SiteScape and SiteScape Forum are trademarks of SiteScape, Inc.

AltaVista is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.

Tru64 UNIX is a trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation.

Java and all Java-based names and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and refer to Sun's Java Technologies. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SPARC is a registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Netscape Communications, Netscape, Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator, Netscape Enterprise Server, and Netscape FastTrack Server are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation.

Microsoft, PowerPoint, Windows NT, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Red Hat is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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